29 April 2010

Who cares?

Why does ANYONE care about what Gordon Brown said yesterday? Yes ok, he shouldn't have said what he said about the pensioner but even so, it's no ones business about what he does and doesn't say in his own privacy. And for those who DO care, just think of this:

Say you don't think someone and you have a little bitch behind their back. What if someone went to that person and told them what you had said and then EVERYONE knew about what you had said? Would you like that? I don't think you would.

Yes I know that he is the leader of our country but, for me, this shows just one thing.......................



Anonymous said...

The thing is: those in positions of power/respect are expected to act responsibly. In the opinion of many, humanity, whilst laudable, does not a good leader make. People are supposed to care - he's the leader of our country; his attitudes and his motivations are a legitimate matter of public scrutiny. If he's two-faced in public life, how can he be trusted on policy?

Michael said...

yeah but who doesn't say nasty comments about people? It's a HUMAN thing to do

Anonymous said...

Very true; however: as a politician, as a minister of HM government, as the PRIME minister in fact, he needs to be more than human. Once again he has failed