28 April 2010


Thank the lord, the SNP are NOT going to be joining David Cameron, Gordon Brown nor Nick Clegg in the prime ministerial debate this Thursday (BBC1, 8:30 just in case your interested)

Why am I so happy I hear you ask dear readers? Because the SNP don't exactly have a right to be on the stage this Thursday. They only have a few seats in Westminster and anyway, the SNP stands for the SCOTTISH nationalists party...... if the BNP had asked the courts then maybe (and thats a very small maybe) I would understand but not the SCOTTISH nationalists party, THAT makes no sense.

My little annoyance became quite true today on the bus ride home. You get near your stop, you press the button so the nice driver knows your getting of at the upcoming stop but then a pensioner -who can't be arsed to look up to see if the light has come on or not (singalling the fact that I have pressed the button)- presses the button just a few seconds later. Now I know I probably sound really really stupid in saying this but..........................................................JUST LOOK UP AT THE LIGHT AND THEN YOU WONT HAVE TO BOTHER PRESSING THE BUTTON. I know its a small thing but -as they say- its the small things which count.

Speak later probably!

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