29 April 2010

Who cares?

Why does ANYONE care about what Gordon Brown said yesterday? Yes ok, he shouldn't have said what he said about the pensioner but even so, it's no ones business about what he does and doesn't say in his own privacy. And for those who DO care, just think of this:

Say you don't think someone and you have a little bitch behind their back. What if someone went to that person and told them what you had said and then EVERYONE knew about what you had said? Would you like that? I don't think you would.

Yes I know that he is the leader of our country but, for me, this shows just one thing.......................


28 April 2010


Thank the lord, the SNP are NOT going to be joining David Cameron, Gordon Brown nor Nick Clegg in the prime ministerial debate this Thursday (BBC1, 8:30 just in case your interested)

Why am I so happy I hear you ask dear readers? Because the SNP don't exactly have a right to be on the stage this Thursday. They only have a few seats in Westminster and anyway, the SNP stands for the SCOTTISH nationalists party...... if the BNP had asked the courts then maybe (and thats a very small maybe) I would understand but not the SCOTTISH nationalists party, THAT makes no sense.

My little annoyance became quite true today on the bus ride home. You get near your stop, you press the button so the nice driver knows your getting of at the upcoming stop but then a pensioner -who can't be arsed to look up to see if the light has come on or not (singalling the fact that I have pressed the button)- presses the button just a few seconds later. Now I know I probably sound really really stupid in saying this but..........................................................JUST LOOK UP AT THE LIGHT AND THEN YOU WONT HAVE TO BOTHER PRESSING THE BUTTON. I know its a small thing but -as they say- its the small things which count.

Speak later probably!

27 April 2010


Why is it that music can give such powerful emotions? Like at the moment i'm listening to "For once in my life" by Stevie Wonder......makes me feel so happy.......likewise "tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree" is another total classic.

However when I listen to songs like "tell me it's not true" from blood brothers always makes me cry and moonlight sonata just gives me goosebumps.

Whoever first created music, well done to them cause I don't think anyone could live without it these days.

Speaking of music, that muller advert really annoys me now. It used to be really good cause it had that song by nina simone on.......now they're doing their own "version" of it and 1/2 the people cant sing!

hello tinternet!

Well, this almost feels exciting, it's a exciting time in my life and HOPEFULLY I'll be able to talk about everything that happens to me for the next weeks/months/years ahead!

Today- because I am a poll clerk in the upcoming election- I filled out my postal vote for both the local and general election. I won't say who I voted for yet, I'll wait till either May 6th or May 7th.

Apart from that, just the usual college things happend today, had politics and that was about it...................

One thing that REALLY annoyed me today was in our local news at 6:30pm. A woman/mother hadn't bothered sending her 16 year old child to school for the last 2 YEARS and was moaning that she got a 3 week sentence. Personally I think she shouldv'e got more........

Anyone, speak tomorrow hopefully :)